About Yoga

"Union of the physical and the spiritual" is one way of defining Yoga. It is the art of relaxing the body and silencing the mind to open ourselves to the universal energy in and around us. It is a way of life in which the body and the natural world are experienced as an expression of the Divine. We honour and respect the Divine by respecting our body and the world around us, through awareness of our breath, thoughts and body.
At the core of the many different kinds of Yoga is awareness and mastery of our vital energy to live a healthy, peaceful and joyful life.
The practice of pranayama (breathing exercises), asanas (postures), relaxation and meditation maintains or regains flexibility of the body allowing a free flow of vital energy (prana, qi or light), in harmony with the world around us.
Yoga is a gentle way of moving the body which is suitable for all ages.
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