Entries in art and yoga (3)
Mas Kailash Art Studio

"To see the world in a grain of salt and heaven in a wild flower
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in one hour."
William Blake (1757-1827)
This little poem by the visionary painter William Blake expresses perfectly the essence of Chinese Aesthetics, which is the inspiration for the Art Studio of Mas Kailash.
Amanda invites you to join her for intuitive artistic expression and initiation in Chinese calligraphy. Creativity is present in each of us. We learn how to intuit our individual creative source and we allow our inspiration and imagination free and spontanious expression in forms and colours. We go beyond representation to create images of the mind.
Learn more by clicking on 'Art Studio' in the sidebar.
Yoga Center 'Mas Kailash' in Provence takes form....

Our Yoga, Health and Art Center in Bargemon, South of France is in the final stage of realization. We are looking forward to receive guests.
We have charming accommodations for 4 persons. We like to practice in a small group because we value individual attention and follow-up. Quality is wat counts for us.
Mas Kailash is nestled in an enchanting Olive Grove where graceful olive trees, like dignified immortals, are guardians of peace and well-being. A Garden of Eden, it is.
An art workshop with large windows has been constructed amidst the magnificent old olivetrees, overlooking the valley below. A perfect place to allow our creativity to grow, flow, expand...
Love and Gratitude