Forward bend

Paschimottanasana: one way of performing this asana is to sit on the floor with legs straight in front of you. Lean forward slightly and wiggle so you feel that you are sitting on the buttocks as you would on a chair. Now sit erect and, inhaling, stretch arms straight above the head palms touching. Exhaling bend forward reaching for the toes. Let the head come down towards the knees: knees are kept straight. Hold this position several seconds. Inhaling, come back to the sitting position. Once we are comfortable with this position, we can also hold the position longer while breathing comfortably. This asana can also be performed from a standing position, then sometimes referred to as "the storck".
This asana (posture) restores elasticity to the muscles, makes the spine flexible, tones abdomen and inner organs. Relaxes and makes the mind more flexible. Also a good posture for diabetics.
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