Entries in South of France (23)


Surya Namaskar



We greet the sun rising above the mountain                     
lighting up the valley below. 

Olive trees                                                                                                                                                   sway gently in the breeze
their leaves scintillating silvergreen.

The trunks like centuries old sculptures
guardians of strength and peace.
On a carpet of green
flowers cluster in colours as yet unseen.

A black and a grey tiger stalk all that moves in their vision
catching spiders, lizards and mice with precision.
We stand in awe ...
and just love and laugh!


'Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence' 

"Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence"(Quoting Patanjali, Indian sage who lived more than 2000 years ago)


Standing in mountain pose, the back straight, as if connected by a gold thread from the crown chakra to the heavens, the head slightly inclined in Jalandhara bandha ( chin lock ) proud and humble at the same time, we pay our respects to the rising sun. We greet a new day and rejoice gratefully.


Bicycle Kora

An exhilarating way to discover the beautiful surroundings of Bargemon is by bike. A 30 km loop or kora passes through Seillans, Claviers & Bargemon.

Starting from the Mas, a 5 km steady climb up and 5 km whirling down, at the speed you yourself control, takes you down to Seillans. Spectacular panoramas, as far as the azure blue sea, roll before your eyes. 

From Seillans a former railroad track makes for easy riding to the charming village of Claviers, offering a superb view of Bargemon, the target of return.

After a tough final climb back up to Bargemon, Pieter, making the kora for the first time on his birthday,  felt reborn - after catching his breath!


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