25-31 May 2013 : didgeridoo meditation retreat

The Didgeridoo is a long wooden wind instrument of the Australian aborigines. It is made out of branches of the eucalyptus tree and produces low frequency earth sounds.
Sound is a great tool to put our mind at rest whether it be drumming, chanting, reciting mantras etc...
Listening to the didgeridoo has a calming and relaxing effect on body and mind. In the aboriginal culture didgeridoo was played near sick people to help them heal and there is sufficient evidence that the low vibrations of the didgeridoo have a soothing and healing influence on the body.
Jacco Fransen who lives and works in Hilversum, Netherlands, is a musician and proficient didgeridoo player and has been leading meditation workshops since many years.
Through this meditation balance can be restored on a mental level as well as on a physical level.
From 25-31 May 2013, Jacco will be leading daily meditation with the didgeridoo.
Jacco at Mas Kailash, May 2012