Entries in Art (5)


25-31 May 2013 : didgeridoo meditation retreat 


The Didgeridoo is a long wooden wind instrument of the Australian aborigines. It is made out of branches of the eucalyptus tree and produces low frequency earth sounds. 

Sound is a great tool to put our mind at rest whether it be drumming, chanting, reciting mantras etc...

Listening to the didgeridoo has a calming and relaxing effect on body and mind. In the aboriginal culture didgeridoo was played near sick people to help them heal and there is sufficient evidence that the low vibrations of the didgeridoo have a soothing and healing influence on the body.

Jacco Fransen who lives and works in Hilversum, Netherlands, is a musician and proficient didgeridoo player and has been leading meditation workshops since many years.

Through this meditation balance can be restored on a mental level as well as on a physical level.

From 25-31 May 2013, Jacco will be leading daily meditation with the didgeridoo.

Jacco at Mas Kailash, May 2012


The lake St Croix is about one hour by car from Mas Kailash.  Situated at the entrance of the Grand canyon du Verdon the turquoise lake offers spectacular vistas. The Castle of Aiguines in the forground watches out over this blue pearl. www.saintecroixduverdon.com  


Our website has been a long time in coming together; it has taken a lot of time and effort and although we're still getting the bugs out, we're very happy with the result. We thank all our friends and the Squarespace counselors who have helped us in getting this far. Here's to good friends who helped make this site kinda special!   

... and there is a slow, slow train coming up around the bend...



I took a ferry to the highway
Then I drove to a pontoon plane
I took a plane to a taxi
And a taxi to a train
I've been traveling so long
How'm I ever going to know my home when I see it again
I'm like a black crow flying
In a blue, blue sky

                      Joni Mitchell

Stand straight and bend from the waist, placing both  palms on the ground, pointing ahead, bending the elbows slightly. Bend and lift the the knees, keeping the eyes turned skywards (!) and place them  on the upper part of each corresponding arm, as close into the armpits as possible. The feet should be in line with the elbows and below the hips. While we stay balanced on the hands, we keep breathing normally, while holding the position as long as is comfortable with effortless effort ! Exhaling, we put the feet back down.


This asana improves concentration and balance, strengthens the wrists, arms and chest. 


'Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence' 

"Yoga is the settling of the mind into silence"(Quoting Patanjali, Indian sage who lived more than 2000 years ago)


Standing in mountain pose, the back straight, as if connected by a gold thread from the crown chakra to the heavens, the head slightly inclined in Jalandhara bandha ( chin lock ) proud and humble at the same time, we pay our respects to the rising sun. We greet a new day and rejoice gratefully.