Entries in bargemon (47)


Fish pose


Lying on the back, we keep the legs outstretched, placing the palms on the floor under the buttocks. In haling we lift the chest up, using the elbows as support, while we stretch the head backwards till the crown chakra touches the ground. This position allows the upper lungs to open completely and allows deep breathing.

We keep the position as long as it feels comfortable. Exhaling we free the hands and lower the body flat to the ground.

Matsyasanathe Fish pose, stretches the thoracic cavity, stimulates the trachea and larynx and improves singing and speaking voice. Sends rich blood supply to the brain, improving mental acuity. Tones and relieves mental tension and cures disorders of the stomach.


Red poppies everywhere....


Our website has been a long time in coming together; it has taken a lot of time and effort and although we're still getting the bugs out, we're very happy with the result. We thank all our friends and the Squarespace counselors who have helped us in getting this far. Here's to good friends who helped make this site kinda special!   

... and there is a slow, slow train coming up around the bend...



Mayurasana: the peacock. This is an advanced position, requiring a good sense of balance and strength in the arms and back.

Start in Vajrasana, diamond position ('seiza' in Japanese martial arts). Join the arms at the elbows and hands, placing hands on the floor, palms down, fingers pointing towards the toes. Keep the hands and elbows firmly in place during this asana. Lowering the forehead to the mat, bring the abdomen down against the elbows, supporting the body. Slooooowly stretch the legs backwards. Inhale and raise both of the legs from the floor as you balance on the hands. Now raise also the head, by rolling the eyes to the sky. Keep breathing! Exhale, putting the knees back on the ground and come back to Vajrasana.

Excellent for strengthening stomach muscles, wrists, and shoulders. The blood circulation in the internal organs is increased, improving digestion. Aids in eliminating toxins from the body. This is an excellent pose for invigorating the entire body. 


Wanted to be seen...

This tiny insect came tip-toeing on my notebook ... looking for attention! So here it is, its 15 minutes in the spotlight for the whole world to see and proud as a peacock!

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